
Agama's Message - Vishal Rajput
6 min readMar 4, 2024


Control over DEATH? [viewer discretion advised ]

“The mind of one meditating on a single object becomes one-pointed. And one-pointedness of mind leads to abidance in the self.” “When there are thoughts, it is distraction: when there are no thoughts, it is meditation.” — Ramana Maharshi

🌟 Namaste, Beloved Family! 🌟

Today, I’m thrilled to delve into a topic that captivates the hearts of many but is understood by few — Mahasamadhi! 🧘‍♀️🌌

Join me on this spiritual journey as we explore the depths of Mahasamadhi together. 🌈✨ Don’t forget to catch the video waiting for you at the end — it’s a must-watch! 🎥🌟

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With boundless gratitude


🌟 Understanding Mahasamadhi🌟

What is Mahasamadhi ? 🧘‍♀️🌌

Mahasamadhi is a term used to refer to the conscious and intentional departure of a realized or enlightened being from their physical body. It is considered a voluntary and transcendental act, distinct from the ordinary process of death. In the context of Mahasamadhi, it is believed that the enlightened individual, through years of spiritual practice and realization, chooses the time and manner of leaving their physical form.

🔍 Etymology:

Maha: Big / Gigantic / Great

Samadhi: Deep meditative state

Now let’s understand Samadhi.

“Samadhi” is a Sanskrit term used to refer to a state of deep meditative absorption, concentration, and union with the divine or ultimate reality. It is a profound state of contemplation and mental focus that leads to a heightened level of awareness and spiritual insight. The concept of Samadhi is central to both yogic and meditative practices in these traditions.

Key aspects of Samadhi include:

  1. Concentration and Absorption: Samadhi involves intense concentration and absorption of the mind, where the practitioner becomes one with the object of meditation or attains a state of oneness with the ultimate reality.
  2. Union and Harmony: The word “Samadhi” can be understood as a state of union or harmony. It represents the merging of the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness or the divine.
  3. Levels of Samadhi: In yogic and meditative traditions, different stages or levels of Samadhi are described. Now please keep in mind that meditation is something very personal and different traditions have different levels & explanations here I try to provide you with a basic understanding.

Savikalpa Samadhi:

In Savikalpa Samadhi, there is still a subtle sense of duality between the meditator and the object of meditation. The practitioner experiences a deep absorption and concentration, often accompanied by a heightened sense of bliss and tranquility. There is awareness of the object of meditation, and the meditator may feel a union with it, but the distinction between the observer and the observed persists.

Nirvikalpa Samadhi:

Nirvikalpa Samadhi is considered a more advanced and profound stage of meditative absorption. In this state, the distinctions between the meditator, the process of meditation, and the object of meditation dissolve. There is a complete merging with the object of focus, leading to a state of oneness and unity. The individual ego and the dualistic perception of reality disappear, and only the pure, undifferentiated consciousness remains.

Sahaja Samadhi

Sahaja Samadhi is sometimes described as the natural or spontaneous state of Samadhi that arises as a continuous, effortless experience in the daily life of an enlightened being. In this state, the meditative absorption is not limited to formal meditation sessions but becomes an inherent aspect of the individual’s consciousness.

Asamprajnata Samadhi:

Asamprajnata Samadhi, also known as “non-dual” or “seedless” Samadhi, transcends all cognitive content and mental activity. It is a state of pure awareness devoid of any object or mental constructs. This is the highest form of Samadhi, where even the subtlest impressions (samskaras) are dissolved, and the practitioner experiences the transcendental, formless aspect of reality.

  1. Types of Samadhi: Various yogic paths, such as Raja Yoga and Kundalini Yoga, describe different types of Samadhi experiences. Each type is associated with specific techniques and practices aimed at attaining higher states of consciousness and should be practiced under an experienced Guru.
  2. Spiritual Realization: Attaining Samadhi is often seen as a means to achieve spiritual realization, self-awareness, and a direct experience of the divine. It is considered a state of profound inner peace, bliss, and wisdom.
“The Lion Has Left His Cage” — Paramahansa Yogananda on SRI YUKTESWAR’S Mahasamadhi

My Reflection on the Mahasamadhi.

So when I was interested in Tantra, Yantra, Yoga, Kriya, and Samadhi I did a lot of research and svadhyay [Sva means Self and Adhyay means analysis] and reached to a conclusion.

But before I dive into my perspective, it’s crucial to acknowledge the various opinions on Mahasamadhi, with some dismissing it as lacking scientific backing. However, when faced with such skepticism, I pose a question to myself: Can I be stubborn enough to outrightly reject the potential existence of a process wherein, after sufficient practice, one can gracefully depart the physical body?

Well, the answer resonates as a resounding “NO.” The more I delve into the study of yogic practices, particularly meditation, and engage my logical mind, the recurring theme is clear — it’s all about preparing oneself to die with grace.

Now here comes my realization, any path you choose be it a Bhakti Marg (Devotion), Gayan Marg (Knowledge), Tantra Marg (Occult), or any other route available all should lead to Stithpragya (Emotional Equilibrium), no matter what life provide you with, maybe the best or the worst it should not affect the state of your being, when this becomes the case then attaining Mahasamadhi becomes easy but also makes no sense as the existence does not bother you anymore, this is one such reason why many sages/yogis don’t choose to leave their body prematurely. It is only done when the time has come a yogi decides to leave the body easily, one such example of this is MahaYogi Shri Gajanan Maharaj who was a Digambar saint and an avatar of Shiva himself, he took Mahasamadhi only after all his works were complete and he did it in front of all his disciples after giving them proper instruction on how to lead things forward.

So summing up my realization, Samadhi is just a route or a path, our main focus should be on being emotionally balanced, everything else is just the byproduct or methodology to attain stithpragya.

Mahasamadhi is more of control over Prana (a life breath or vital principle) than control over Death.

Following up is a video of a monk taking Mahasamadhi, viewer discretion advised (watch here)

🎉 Happy New Year 🎉

And just like that, we wrap up this edition of Agama’s Message! 🎉 On December 30th, we celebrate Ramana Maharshi’s birthday. 🎂 I encourage you all to take some time to explore the life and teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi.

As we step into 2024, here’s a heartfelt wish for each one of you — 🎆✨ Happy New Year! May it be filled with abundant meditation, prosperity, and the pursuit of knowledge. 🧘‍♂️💰📚

Don’t forget to spread the love and positivity by sharing, liking, and subscribing to Agama’s Message. Your support means the world! 🌍❤️

Sending you all loads of love and positive vibes,

yours, Vishal Rajput ❤️🌟



Agama's Message - Vishal Rajput

As a monk, engineer, and astrologer, I have a deep interest in the fields of metaphysics, meditation, and psychology. Do FOLLOW as I share my experience. ❤️